Wednesday, 31 May 2017

The Wednesday Walk 31st May 2017

The Plan
A Cranborne walk

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Sue, Trudy H, Ros, Beatrice and Tony H, Diane and Tony R, David
At lunch we were joined by Trisha and Marion

The Walk
My apologies for this being a short write-up. It was a humid day quite unconducive to any lengthy scribing. We parked at our usual spot on Hare Lane. From there we walked along Mill Lane back towards Cranborne. After lunch we took the path to the north of the B3078 and this time we were guided by a navigational app on Diane’s telephone. It worked well and took us back to our cars with no bother. Our thanks to Trudy for the photographs. Also thanks to Beatrice for the tea and biscuits, and to Sue for the very tasty cake.

The Pub
The Sheath of Arrows in Cranborne. Most of the walkser had the lunch time special menu which proved to be of good value. The exception was the pie eater who tried a pie from the main menu. It was well-filled but some of the beef was over-cooked.

Next Week

An Arne walk

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