Wednesday, 24 May 2017

The Wednesday Walk 24th May 2017

The Plan
A Lamb’s Green walk

Who Turned Up
Diane and Tony R, Beatrice and Tony H, Sue, Trudy B, Trudy H, Jackie, Wendy, David

The Walk
We met at Diane and Tony’s in warm sunshine, well-prepared for a summer weather jaunt. The walk began at Merley, took us past the Willett Arms and then onto Willett Road. It’s hard to believe this was a main road before the Wimborne by-pass was constructed. Today, Willett Road is a quiet country lane just about wide enough for one car. The road runs past Merley Hall Farm which is a tranquil nature reserve alongside the River Stour. It’s an area of open grassland and woodland with unmade paths through the woods.
After lunch we returned along the same route and camped in Diane and Tony’s back garden in the warm sunshine. There we enjoyed tea and birthday cake. Many thanks for the tea, Diane… and happy birthday, Tony. And thanks to Trudy for the photograhs.

The Pub
The Lamb’s Green. We’ve eaten here many times before. It was rather quiet there today. Without us the staff would have been idle. The steak and mushroom pie was excellent but, surprisingly, the chicken pie lacked a suitable amount of chicken. Sadly, Diane’s non-alcoholic drink was grossly over-priced. No excuse for that.

Next Week

Meet at Beatrice and Tony’s for a Cranborne walk.

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