Wednesday, 2 October 2013

The Wednesday Walk 2nd October 2013

The Plan
A Wimborne walk

The Leader
Tony R

Who turned up
Tony and Diane R, Wendy, Jackie, Ros, David

The Walk
The weather forecast was not optimistic, but the Wednesday walkers are not easily put off. We met at Canford Magna, on the road outside Canford School. Our path took us along the Castleman Trailway alongside the River Stour. When we came to Oakley Hill we turned towards Wimborne. Being early, we allowed the ladies to browse the shops and we popped into the Costa Coffee shop for a spot of liquid sustenance. Then we walked back to the pub.
The rain started as we were finishing our lunch. We waited until it stopped and then walked down to Riverside Park. This was once the site of Flight Refuelling but is now being turned into a new housing estate. The path got a bit muddy as we followed the riverside path but nothing we could not cope with. Finally, we crossed over at the refurbished footbridge. It was raining again as we arrived back at Canford Magna.

The Pub
The Coach and Horses, Wimborne. We studied the Christmas lunch menu while we were here and opted to book our walker’s lunch for 18th December. Today’s menu was good and reasonably priced. The pie eater declared himself well satisfied with his meal. Several crossword puzzles were completed.

Next Week
Meet at the usual lay-by near The Angel Pub at 1030. We plan to eat at the King’s Head in Longham.

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