Wednesday, 9 May 2012

The Wednesday Walk 9th May 2012

The Plan
A shore walk to Mudeford

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Trisha, Diane and Tony R, David

The Walk
The plan went straight out the window when we saw the rain this morning. After yesterday’s warmth and sunshine, we were disappointed to see another wet day. But there was no point in sitting around, so we drove into Wimborne and spent an hour looking around the Priest’s House Museum. We then drove straight to the pub for lunch. After that we went back to Diane and Tony’s and enjoyed tea and cakes… thank you, Diane.

The Pub
The Lamb’s Green. We’ve eaten here a number of times in the past and usually found the food to be reasonably good. This time we discovered that a visit to the lavatory can be a source of crossword inspiration… but only the gents.

Next Week
Meet at Beatrice and Tony’s for a Cranborne walk.

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