Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The Wednesday Walk 16th May 2012

The Plan
A Cranborne walk

The Map-reader

Who Turned Up
Tony R, Beatrice, Sue, Trisha, Trudy H, David
The Walk
After last week’s rain we were pleased to see a pleasantly dry day. Our walk began at the lay-by near Mill Farm, along the Cranborne-to-Alderholt road. Wendy was not available to lead us this week, but we had a map of the walk and Tony volunteered to navigate from it. The morning walk was very easy although the path was a little muddy in places, a legacy of the rain we’ve had. We followed the track parallel to the River Crane with ease. We noticed that most of the fields between us and the river were bright yellow with rape seed. Coming close to Cranborne, we cut off through a rape field down to the village.
After lunch we took the route north of the Cranborne-to-Alderholt road. Our path took us through Holwell Farm where Tony picked up a tiny vole. Eventually, we turned off at Rushmore Farm, taking the route directly back to the main road, as per the map. We then had to tackle a main road with no footpath. We decided that on any future walk we would look for an alternative path that would join the main road closer to our cars. However, it was a pleasant walk in some beautiful countryside.
Tea and cakes were kindly provided by Beatrice and Tony.

The Pub
The Sheaf of Arrows, Cranborne. There were no pies but the home-made faggots were excellent. We were pleased to see Wendy and Lou at the pub. We wish you a speedy recovery from your operation, Lou. All that house building work will have to be put on hold until your hand is back to normal.

Next Week
Meet at Trudy H's house at 0945 for a walk to Mudeford. No leader will be needed for this walk.

The Following Week
Trisha will be leading a Studland walk.

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