Wednesday, 25 April 2012

The Wednesday Walk 25th April 2012

The Plan
Garston Wood

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Beatrice, Trudy H, Sue, Diane and Tony R, David

The Walk
The weather did not look too good, but we decided to go ahead with the planned walk at Garston Wood. At least it gave us the choice of curtailing the walk if things got too wet. In fact, the morning walk was pleasant with only the odd spot of rain… nothing to deter a party of hardy perennials. I am indebted to Wendy for supplying me with a list of the flowers on show: bluebells, wood anemones, primroses, violets, early orchids, ajuga (bugle), wild garlic, euphorba, yellow archangel and celandine. On top of that Tony spotted a variety of birds. While walking through the wild garlic we disturbed the plants enough for them to give us a good sample of their aromas.
After lunch we came back to the Garston Wood car park. This time we met persistent rain so we cut short the afternoon walk and returned to Beatrice and Tony’s house. Our culinary thanks this week must go to Beatrice, Tony and Trudy, who brought along a home-made cake of huge proportions.

The Pub
The Inn on the Chase. The food was good. The pie-eater appreciated the help-yourself vegetable selection. The only problem was a mix-up with the order.

Next week
Meet at Sue’s at 0945
If the weather is:-
   from “Caribbean sunshine”
   to “English sunshine”
   we will go to Ringstead Bay.
If the weather is:-
   from “dry but overcast"
   to “just the odd shower”
   we will go to St Catherine’s Hill.
If the weather is:-
   from “persistent light rain”
   to “absolutely piddling down”
   we will go to the cinema at Tower Park.

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