Wednesday, 18 April 2012

The Wednesday Walk 18th April 2012

The Plan
Totally dependent upon the weather.

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Sue, Trudy H, Beatrice and Tony, Trisha, David
(With Diane and Tony R joining us for lunch)

The Walk
After that early warm summer weather we have now reverted to typical April showers. Unfortunately, today’s showers were forecast to be the most frequent and the heaviest this week. With that in mind we elected to stick close to base. We drove to Kingston Lacy (National Trust) where we immediately made for the restaurant and a cup of coffee. One walker let the side down by eating a cholesterol-inducing cake, but what can you do? When we came outside again we discovered a guided tour was about to begin. We followed the guide for about twenty minutes and then branched off on our own. Well, we probably know the route at least as well as the guide. Trisha joined us at this part of the morning, just in time for the next shower. Despite the weather, we were able to enjoy some interesting flower and plant displays.
We returned to the cars and drove to the pub where Diane and Tony joined us for lunch. They had arrived home from sunny/snowy Spain the previous evening. With the rain pouring down outside we were in no mood to continue the walk, so we cancelled the afternoon plan and returned to Beatrice and Tony’s house. There we enjoyed tea and cake, for which we offer B&T our thanks.

The Pub
The Lamb’s Green. The food was good, no one went away hungry, although we did have to calculate the division of the bill ourselves.

Next Week
Meet at Beatrice and Tony’s at 0945.

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