Wednesday 17 November 2010

The Wednesday Walk 17th November 2020

The weather today was wet and miserable. The morning weather forcast warned us that parts of Cornwall were flooded and the rain clouds causing it were heading our way. So, we cancelled the planned walk and drove to the Royal Signals Museum at Blandford. Gaining entry was a bit of a bother as we had to go through a full security check, but the museum was filled with interesting goodies. We spent a couple of hours looking round the exhibits and then had a snack lunch in the NAAFI. They didn't have any pies, but we made do with filled hot bagettes and a Cornish pasty, all topped up with mugs of NAAFI tea. Then we spent another hour in the museum before heading back to Wimborne for tea and cakes with Beatrice and Tony. Next week we will aim to do what we didn't do this week - a Pamphill walk.

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