Wednesday 10 November 2010

The Wednesday Walk 10th November 2010

The Plan
A Longham walk

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Sue, Ros, Trisha, Trusy, Beatrice, Tony H and David.

The Walk
We met in the coffee shop at Haskins Garden Centre and ensured we had a nice warm drink inside before we sallied forth. The day started out brilliant: clear blue skies with not a hint of cloud, but it was cold. What else can we expect at this time of the year? After the coffee stop, we shifted our cars to the layby near the Angel pub and set off along the nicely laid out paths through the woodland alongside the Poor Common at Ferndown. The route took us out at West Parley and then we walked down to the River Stour and made our way alongside the river to The Bridge House Hotel.
After lunch we crossed over the road to walk around the Longham Lakes where we found an unusual phenomenon of water bubbling up into the lake (see picture). The gulls found it interesting and seemed to be picking up fish from the water.
We then walked through the fields to Hampreston, walked through the churchyard and then crossed Ham Lane for the last bit of the walk which brough us out into Angel Lane. By then a few wispy clouds were appearing on the horizon but the day was still clear and sunny. It was a very pleasant winter's walk. Thanks to Trudy for the photos.

The Pub
The Bridge House Hotel at Longham. Those who had the £5 carvery agreed it was a very good value-for-money meal. Others had a snack or - in Sue's case - a meal and a half on a plate and a half and everyone came away satisfied.

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