Wednesday, 11 October 2017

The Wednesday Walk 11th October 2017

The Plan
A Corfe Castle walk

Who Turned Up
Trisha, Wendy, Sue, Trudy B, Tony H, David

The Walk
The prospect of a sunny day faded quickly when we looked from our windows this morning. But at least it was dry, so we set of for Corfe Castle. When we got there, the NT car park was labelled “Full” although we were in some doubt about whether it really was. Anyway, we turned into the road opposite and parked in what turned out to be a very full roadside parking area. We crossed back to the NT visitor centre, crossed over the railway line and walked up to Norden. We then crossed the main road and took the footpath – the one that was once the old main road – back to the village.
After lunch, we took a walk around the common and back into the village. One group then walked to the railway station to see the LSWR locomotive which has been given to the Swanage Railway by the National Railway Museum. It was sad to see a piece of history which had been in pristine condition in the York museum now rusting away in a siding.
Thanks go to Sue and Trudy for the photographs.

The Lunch

Instead of using a pub, we went to the cafĂ© at the Model Village. They don’t do full meals but we filled up with all-day breakfasts and an assortment of snacks.

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