Wednesday, 30 November 2016

The Wednesday Walk 30th November 2016

The Plan
A Sandford walk

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Tony H, Trisha, Jackie, David. (We were joined by Beatrice and Sue for the afternoon walk)

The Walk
The day was cold, but the sky was cloudless. It was a good day for a crisp winter walk. We parked in Woodlands Drive at Sandford and walked up to the heath on the opposite side of the Sandford Road. The atmosphere was very pleasant with no wind and frozen ground. The scenery as we walked across the heath was well worth the ramble on such a winter’s day.
After lunch, we crossed over to Station Road which runs down past what was once the Admiralty Research Establishment. This was opened during WW1 as the Royal Navy Cordite Factory manufacturing cordite for explosive devices. During WW2 it was reactivated to manufacture gun propellants. After the war, the explosives manufacturing was closed down and it became a research establishment. It finally closed in the 1990s. None of it is now owned by the MoD.
Thanks go to Wendy for tea and cakes at the end of a very pleasant walk. And thanks to Trisha for her excellent photography.

The Pub
The Claypipe. This was a big improvement after last week. We discovered that one of our walkers suffered badly for a couple of days after last week’s experience. We’re pleased to say she is back on her feet again. This week the food was good, tasty and reasonably priced. Added to which the staff were cheerful and friendly. So we all left the pub happy.

Next Week

Meet at Wendy’s at 10am for a Bere Regis walk.

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