Wednesday, 2 September 2015

The Wednesday Walk 2nd September 2015

The Plan
Tolpuddle to Milborne St Andrew

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Sue, Jackie, Trudy H, Diane and Tony R, David

The Walk
My apologies for a lack of blogs over the past couple of weeks. Your blogmaster has been on holiday in his native Cornwall, celebrating his seventieth birthday. But you didn’t want to know that, did you?
What of today’s walk? After a week of inclement weather, we were pleased to see the prospect of a pleasant day ahead of us. We drove through Tolpuddle, turned up White Hill and parked close to the bridge over the main A35 road. We then walked across Tolpuddle Common towards Milborne St Andrew on a direct route, passing close to Manor Farm, but by-passing Weatherby Castle.
We all know about Tolpuddle, don’t we? That’s were a group of men were sentenced to be transported to the Antipodes for organising a trade union. Wrong. Trade unions were legal in those days. They were transported for swearing an oath of allegiance to the union, under a law designed to prevent mutiny in the Royal Navy. You probably knew that already.
And what about Milborne St Andrew? What do we know about it? In 1086, in the Domesday Book, it was recorded as Meleburne. At that time it had ten households, four ploughlands and one mill. There were originally two settlements here. St Andrew was to the south of the main Dorchester road and Deverel was to the north. In time, they coalesced into one village. In the late nineteenth century, the neighbouring settlement of Miborne Stileham was brought into the conurbation.
After lunch in the village, we returned to our cars via Weatherby Castle. This is an iron age hill fort enclosing about seventeen acres. Its structure comprises two concentric enclosures. Bits of Roman artefacts have been discovered here. The route back to the cars was a bit up-and-down and we were all glad to get back to Sue’s house for a welcome cup of tea and a slice of delicious home-made cake. Many thanks, Sue. Thanks, also, to Diane and Trudy for the pictures.

The Pub
The Royal Oak in Milborne St Andrew. Your pie-eating blogmaster must bow to circumstance here and confess to awarding the pub’s pie an amazing… wait for it… ten out of ten. Yes, it was absolutely the best of pies.

Next Week
Meet at Diane and Tony’s house at 1030 for a walk to Lamb's Green.

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