Wednesday, 1 July 2015

The Wednesday Walk 1st July 2015

The Plan
A breakfast walk into Wimborne

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Sue, Trudi B, Trudy H, Diane and Tony R, Beatrice and Tony H, David

The Walk
On the hottest day for a decade, what else would we do but a breakfast walk, allowing us to hide indoors during the afternoon. We met in the car park by Pamphill village school. That’s a school with an interesting history. It was built in the late seventeenth century, slightly before the Wednesday walkers appeared on the scene. That original building had alms-houses either side and was built through the will of Roger Gillingham of the Middle Temple. In later years, the alms-houses became extra classrooms. An inscription on the outside of the school reads:
To God & ye poor
The pious & charitable gift of
Of the Middle Temple, London Esq.
This free writing school & ye almshouse adjoining
Were built by ALDRICH SWAN clerk and rector
Of Kingston Magna and pursuant of the Gift
Of Trust of the said Roger Gillingham
AD 1689
Well, good old Roger. What a nice chap. Not that we took much notice of his school as we dodged clear of all the little angels arriving for their daily tuition, delivered by mums in a fleet of cars. Our walk into Wimborne was along the usual route beside the river and through the allotments.
After lunch we took the shorter route back, it being too hot to countenance a lengthy ramble.

The Pub
The Man in the Wall (Weatherspoons) in Wimborne. The beauty of this place lies with their big helpings and their cheap prices. Consequently we all had a hearty breakfast-cum-brunch.

Next Week
Meet in Wimborne at Beatrice and Tony’s.
0800 if it’s hot
0945 if it’s not.

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