Wednesday, 22 October 2014

The Wednesday Walk 22nd October 2014

The Plan
A seafront walk

Who Turned Up
Sue, Tricia, Trudy H, David

The Walk
The forecasters promised us a dry day and they were right. They also warned us that the day would be cold and so we all came suitably dressed. In fact, it wasn’t as cold as we expected and outer coats were removed as we walked. We began at the car park near the Branksome Tennis Club. Then we walked through the woods to the shore at Branksome Chine. A pleasant walk along the shore, and then one steep climb, took us to our lunch stop.
After lunch, we simply reversed our route back to the cars. A very pleasant autumn walk.

The Lunch
No pub today. We ate at the Argyll café alongside the Argyll Bowling Club. By lunchtime, the weather was pleasant enough for us to sit outside. The meal orders included one ham, egg and chips, one fish pie and two steak and mushroom pies. They were all reasonably priced and all very good value. The pies were delicious.

Next Week
Meet 10am at Beatrice and Tony's for a Cranborne walk.

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