Wednesday, 27 August 2014

The Wednesday Walk 27th August 2014

The Plan
St Catherine’s Hill

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Trisha, Trudy H, Diane, Beatrice and Tony H, David

The Walk
The forecasters told us persistent rain would arrive by late afternoon. Well, yes, the heavy stuff did arrive after the walk was completed, but we did also have some drizzly rain during the day. We parked just off the Fairmile Road, at the start of the trail to the Avon Causeway. To start with, we took the longer path that skirted the shooting club. Several shots rang out as we passed by, but no one was injured. We followed a path that took us over the hill, along with its views of the lower lying land around the River Avon. Eventually, this path curved to our right and brought us out onto the old railway track. From there it was a straight stroll to the pub.
After lunch we followed along the main railway track until we came out onto Dodmoor Farm Road. We then followed it back to the cars.
The day was made complete with sponge cake and tea at Diane’s. Many thanks, Diane.

The Pub
The Avon Causeway. A bit pricey but the food was good. The pie was very good.
Next Week
Plans will depend upon the weather. We will meet at Wendy’s, but wait for a call to find out where we will go.



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