Wednesday, 13 November 2013

The Wednesday Walk 13th November 2013

The Plan
A Canford Heath walk

Who Turned Up
Trudy B, Trudy H, Sue, Trisha, Beatrice and Tony H, David

The Leader
Trudy B

The Walk
This was autumn/winter weather as it should be. We had virtually clear blue skies and no wind. We came prepared to wrap up warm but, during the walk, some of us had to start removing outer layers. We parked in Francis Avenue, near the Knighton Heath golf course. We then rambled out onto the heathland where we had glorious views right down to the coast at Poole. We saw some remaining evidence of the heath fires from last summer as well as plenty of blooming flora. We came back into civilisation at the Canford shopping centre.
After lunch we took a different route back across the heath, taking one hour and forty minutes to get back to our cars. Along the way we were regaled with entertaining stories, including a risqué way of making a tomato blush. We also heard the tale of a young maiden being straddled by a male stripper at a strip show.
Thanks to the two Trudy’s for the photographs, and thanks to Trudy B for tea and delicious cake at her house.

The Pub
The Haymoor at Canford Heath shopping centre. The food was good and not too expensive. A pie at £4.30 was deemed good value for money.

Next Week
Meet at Branksome by the tennis courts at 10.30. Lunch will be at the bowling club café.

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