Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The Wednesday Walk 3rd April 2013

The Plan
A walk from Dammerham to Alderholt

The Leaders
Wendy and Trudy B

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Trudy B, Trudy H, Sue, Trisha, Tony H, Jackie, David

The Walk
The air was cold, but the sun was shining all day. In fact it was an ideal day for a winter walk. Unfortunately this is supposed to be spring. Mustn’t grumble, it could be worse. It could be summer!
We drove to Dammerham and, after some searching, found suitable parking places, one at the roadside and one in front of a (closed) play school. We then set off towards Alderholt. The going was good, the ground surprisingly firm and the conditions dry and bright. The journey took a little longer than anticipated and it was after one before we got to the pub.
After lunch we set off along a different return route. The going was good until the last mile which was muddy under foot. Along the way we took one wrong turn as a result of inadequate sign-posting. Getting back onto the right track required us to climb a fence and cross a deep ditch.
We were glad of a refreshing cup of tea when we got back to Wendy’s. Thank you, Wendy, for the refreshments.

The Pub
The Churchill at Alderholt. Let's start with the good news. The sweets looked too tempting to be dismissed and most of the walkers indulged, especially when they learned that they came at a knock-down price. The main courses were good value at two meals for £9.95. But the pie was only just good enough. Not up to the best standards.

Next Week
Meet at Wendy’s at 10am.

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