Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The Wednesday Walk 9th January 2013

The Plan
A walk from Canford Magna to Wimborne

Who Turned Up
Tony and Beatrice H, Trudy B, Sue and David

The Walk
The day turned out mild and dry but a little overcast. Our numbers were sadly depleted because of illness and we send our good wishes to the walkers who were unable to take part. Get well soon, all of you. We met at Canford Magna, near the entrance to Canford public school. I was surprised to read the school motto, Nisi Dominus Frustra, carved near the entrance. It is the same motto as my old school in Bath. That old school was, in the nineteen fifties, located in Weymouth House in the centre of Bath. An old building of value and antiquity. They pulled it down when I left to build a Marks and Spencer store! Anyway, today we set off past the Canford School rowing club and followed the track through the ornately carved railway bridge and on to the lodge gate that once stood guard over the driveway into Canford. From there it was a short walk to the pub.
After lunch we walked along the river bank past the remains of Flight Refuelling’s premises. Why do so many places of history get knocked down? The path did get a little muddy in places, but it was flat and easy walking to the footbridge back across the River Stour - a rather shaky footbridge when five walkers got on it.
All in all, it was a pleasant walk on a very mild January day.

The Pub
The Coach and Horses, Wimborne. This is where we had our Christmas lunch. The menu today was enticing and well-priced. The beer also was cheap compared to many pubs. The food was well up to scratch and no one went hungry. The pie eater opted to forego the pastry and had a very enjoyable pork stack with a gammon steak, pork steak, Cumberland sausage, black pudding, chips and all the trimmings for less than £9. Very good value.

Next Week
Meet at Haskins at 10am for a cup of coffee. We will walk across Ferndown Common to the Pure Drop.

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