Wednesday, 5 December 2012

The Wednesday Walk 5th December 2012

The Plan
A walk from Upton Park

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Sue, Trisha, David

The Walk
It was a cold day but the skies were clear and we had little wind. We met at the main car park outside Upton House and set off for a jaunt around the Upton Estate. When we saw a black bull we were glad that he was on the opposite side of a barbed wire fence…and he had a whole herd of cows to occupy his attention. Later, we stopped for coffee in the café and followed up with a stroll around the art gallery. After that we had another walk around the estate, bordering on the upper reaches of Holes Bay where we stopped at the hides. Along the way we saw a smart-looking fox with attitude: he wasn’t the least bit concerned by us.
Clear skies, yes, but it was cold and we decided to call it a day after lunch.

The Pub
St Peter’s Finger. A nice atmosphere, pleasant surroundings, good service and nice food. Not bad at all. But we didn’t finish the cryptic crossword.

Next Week
Meet at Whitecliff car park at 1030 for a walk into Poole.

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