Thursday, 13 December 2012

The Wednesday Walk 12th December 2012

Our thanks this week go to Wendy for writing the blog. The blog master was in bed complaining about a dose of Bubonic Plague overlaid with a touch of Black Death. The nurse’s case notes mis-diagnosed it as man flu. Readers may be interested to know that this blog has now passed the ‘four thousand hits’ mark since its inception.

The Plan
To walk from Whitecliff to Poole and back via Poole Park

Who Turned Up
Sue, Tony and Beatrice, Wendy

The Walk
Quite a short walk today. We met in the car park at Whitecliff. The weather was dry and bright but rather cold. We walked along the water’s edge towards Baiter (a piece of reclaimed land on the edge of the Harbour). We passed a couple of 'Green Gyms' along the way but we had too many clothes on for us to do them justice. On arrival at Poole Quay we felt the need of a hot drink so we went into 'The Deli on the Quay'. We had an excellent cup of coffee, hot chocolate and tea. Then after a quick browse in Pavours (a shoe shop) we headed for the Antelope in the High Street. After a very good lunch we set off up the High Street, window shopping on the way. After another browse in the Dolphin Centre we headed outside and took the underpass at the bus station and walked along by the Lighthouse (this used to be called The Arts Centre). We crossed the road and went into Poole Park. We walked around the Boating Lake on the sunny side and passed the steam railway (actually it was a diesel engine) decorated with Xmas lights and tinsel. We walked under the railway bridge back to Whitecliff pausing to read the information plaques on the Flying Boats that used to operate out of Poole Harbour. And so back to the cars.

 The Pub
The Antelope in Poole. This is one of the older Pubs in Poole. We could have had coffee and cake for £2.95 but the barmaid told us that all the coffee cups were being used at a wake being held at the back of the pub, so we settled for lunch. A one course deal for £5.95. No pie eater today !! The food was hot and tasty.

Next Week
Meet at Canford Magna School at 11.15 for a walk to The Coach and Horses, Wimborne, for our Wednesday Walkers Xmas Lunch.


Wednesday, 5 December 2012

The Wednesday Walk 5th December 2012

The Plan
A walk from Upton Park

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Sue, Trisha, David

The Walk
It was a cold day but the skies were clear and we had little wind. We met at the main car park outside Upton House and set off for a jaunt around the Upton Estate. When we saw a black bull we were glad that he was on the opposite side of a barbed wire fence…and he had a whole herd of cows to occupy his attention. Later, we stopped for coffee in the cafĂ© and followed up with a stroll around the art gallery. After that we had another walk around the estate, bordering on the upper reaches of Holes Bay where we stopped at the hides. Along the way we saw a smart-looking fox with attitude: he wasn’t the least bit concerned by us.
Clear skies, yes, but it was cold and we decided to call it a day after lunch.

The Pub
St Peter’s Finger. A nice atmosphere, pleasant surroundings, good service and nice food. Not bad at all. But we didn’t finish the cryptic crossword.

Next Week
Meet at Whitecliff car park at 1030 for a walk into Poole.