Wednesday, 9 November 2011

The Wednesday Walk 9th November 2011

The Plan
A local walk

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Tricia, Sue, Trudy B, Beatrice and Tony H, David (and Trudy H joined us for lunch)

The Walk
The weather was looking a bit dull in the morning. Fortunately our plans were limited today. We met at Haskins for coffee before parking the cars in the layby close to the Poor Common. We then walked through the woods, through West Parley, past the guide's camp and along the river bank to The Bridge House Hotel.
After lunch we crossed the road to the Longham Lakes and had a pleasant walk around the water. By now the weather was improving and the air felt quite mild.

The Pub
Not a pub today. We ate at the Bridge House Hotel where most of us had a £5 carvery. Very good value for money, as one of Trudy's pictures shows.

Next Week
Meet at Haskins again at 10am for another local walk.

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