Wednesday, 29 June 2011

The Wednesdau Walk 29th June 2011

The Plan
A walk from Stoborough

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Sue, Beatrice, Diane, Tony R, Trudy B, Trudy H, David

The Walk
The sun was shining this morning, which was appropriate for our leader looking nicely sun-tanned after her Mediterranean cruise. Diane and Tony were not quite so tanned after returning from  the USA, but had many traveller's tales to tell us. We began the walk by parking along West Lane in Stoborough and made our way via Melancholy Lane (I never did discover how it got its name, how sad) onto Stoborough Heath nature reserve. We came off the heath at the main Corfe Castle road and crossed over to proceed along the Blue Pool Road. We turned off just before the railway bridge and took the woodland walk that brought us out beside the Half Way Inn.
Over lunch the clouds gathered and it felt cooler when we came out to tackle the afternoon leg. This time we saw a riot of Foxgloves that should, by now, have been dying off - but were obviously not. We also saw a variety of birds, including hawks, buzzards, stonechats etc. We walked back through the woodland to Furzebrook, taking a path that led us past the Ball Clay Works and on through Furzebrook village. With a bit off nifty map-reading we then found our way back to Stoborough without too much difficulty.
We finished off with tea, lemon cake (courtesy of Sue's famous baking skills) and  rich chocolate rolls. Thank you, Sue.

The Pub
The Halfway Inn. One walker noted a chicken and leek pie on the specials board immediately on entry (more than half way in!) Others had a variety of dishes from the main menu, and no one was disappointed.

Next Week
Meet at Sue's again for an Arne walk

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