Wednesday, 19 January 2011

The Wednesday Walk 19th January 2010

The Plan
A walk from Delph Woods to Lamb's Green

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Tricia, Sue and David - joined by Beatrice and Tony at lunchtime.

The Walk
This was our first walk after our delayed Christmas lunch (see Wendy's photos). If we ignore the cold frost that covered our cars at the start of the day, it was an perfect time for walking. Unfortunately, we couldn't ignore the frost and had to thaw out our vehicles before driving to the meeting point at Delph Woods. At least we had blue skies and sunshine all day. Suitably booted and wrapped up against the cold air, we set off through the woods along the woodland trail until we got to the golf course. We skirted the edge of it and came out onto the Higher Blandford Road near Corfe Hills School. We strolled a short distance down the road and then cut back onto the quiet rural trail that would take us on to Lamb's Green. As on a previous occasion we found the latter part of the lane leading to the pub totally waterlogged. Two of us tip-toed around the flooding while the other two walked boldly through the middle... and discovered it was only an inch deep. That proved a useful boot-washing exercise for Wendy who had earlier sunk her boots serveral inches deep in a bog.
After lunch, now joined by Beatrice and Tony, we set off along Brog Street and Candy Lane, which was the original road to Wimborne before the by-pass was built. That pleasant afternoon walk took us back to the car park in Delph Woods. All-in-all it was a very enjoyable walk on a cold but sunny day.

The Pub
The Lambs Green. We have eaten here before on numerous occasions and have never been disatisfied. The inveterate pie-eater opted for a three course meal. The club chairman sensibly opted for a two course meal. And the ladies played an even more sensible game with one carefully-chosen course. Two cryptic crosswords were completed so the group's statin intake must have been meagre!!!

Next Week
Meet at Sue's for a walk to either Arne or Wareham Forest, depending upon the weather.

The Photos
As we had our Christmas lunch only a few days ago - postponed because of the bad weather - I have included the photos here. You can see that we enjoyed ourselves, Marion!

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