Wednesday, 22 September 2010

The Wednesday Walk 22nd September 2010

The Plan
To walk across Upton Heath

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Diane and Tony R, Tony H, David

The Walk
What a beautiful day. We thought the summer had gone and then we were treated to an Indian summer with blue skies and warm sunshine. We met at the entrance car park at Upton House, crossed the main road and were immediately in dense woodland. This was a recce walk so Wendy was willing to experiment with detours that had not been previously walked, and with good effect. From woodland, we passed out onto open heath. The views down towards Poole Harbour were worth stoppping to admire and the colours on the heath reminded us of full summer. We then criss-crossed Upton heath over tracks that might have taken us anywhere, but eventually led us out at Naked Cross. We will put the final success down to Wendy's good navigation rather than good luck.
After lunch we set off in the reverse direction but Tony R was held back by Chloe, the dog, who refused to go on. Tony gallantly volunteered to return to the pub and sit out the rest of the walk. A very selfless gesture, Tony, and deserving of high commendation. Once again, Wendy threw caution to the wind and treated the walk as a route-finding adventure. In the event we came out on the old Roman Road which led us straight back to Upton Park. What skill and judegment!!
A very pleasant walk which would be worth repeating.

The Pub
The Holmbush at Naked Cross. Although she was unable to walk, Beatrice joined us for lunch. The pub were doing a 2 meals for £10 special offer. With six of us now eager to eat, we were all able to take advantage. The faggots were good and the turkey was good, but a couple of the group found the vegetables a bit too hard for their tastes. Overall, however, it was good value for money.

Next Week
Meet at Beatrice and Tony's.

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