Wednesday, 10 March 2010

The Wednesday Walk 10th March 2010

The Plan
Ringstead Bay to Osmington Mills

The Leaders
Wendy and Trudy

Who Turned Up
Wendy Trudy, Trisha, Sue, Diane and Tony R, Beatrice and Tony H, David

The Walk
I was asked to make this entry poetic, so here goes:
There were primroses, snowdrops and all,
And daffodils growing so tall.
And when I looked down to the sea,
A seal was winking at me.
Well, it wasn't actually. It was winking at Diane with an expression that said, "See! You knew I was here all along and no one believed you!"
Okay, we've now got the terrible poetry out of the way and we can get back to prose. Today we had glorious blue skies and wall-to-wall sunshine. There was a cold breeze with it, but we couldn't have everything, could we? We drove to the high-up viewpoint overlooking Ringstead Bay with some glorious views along the Dorset coast and the sea sparkling in the sun. Then we set off along the trail that took us down to the shore cafe (closed - along with the public conveniences) and then along the cliff path to Osmington Mills. We came across one or two small patches of muddy terrain but generally it was a very pleasant dry walk.
After lunch we walked back to the cafe (still closed) where three of our number elected to wait because the climb back up the hill was too steep. The "hardy six" struggled up the path back to the cars. While Tony drove down to collect the three people at the bottom, David telephoned Beatrice to say he was on his way. He didn't get a reply (Beatrice had forgotten to bring her phone) but he was subsequently called back by someone called James who wanted to know what the call was all about. Oops! Wrong number. Walkers are asked to deny any knowledge of David's call should they ever discover who James is.
It was a very special day for one young lady in our group. Back at Wendy's, Trisha blew out the candles (and one firework!) on her birthday cake. All done without setting fire to Wendy's kitchen. We all enjoyed the cake with our tea, thanks to Wendy and Trisha.

The Pub
The Smugglers at Osmington Mills. A great place to eat. The atmosphere was just right for a pub with such a name and the food was excellent, especially the pie! They even provided free apples at the door.

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