Wednesday, 17 February 2010

The Wednesday Walk 17th February 2010

The Plan
A walk to East Chaldon

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Trisha, Wendy, Beatrice, Ros, Trudy and David

The Walk
After yesterday's low cloud and rain we were lucky today to have blue skies and sunshine. A good day for a Purbeck walk. We drove to Dagger's Gate on the hills beyond West Lulworth where we left the cars. We were only minutes into the walk when we came across a squad of soldiers running with heavy (70lb) back loads. It was interesting to watch the expressions on the faces of the men at the front of the run (having their kit dutifully weighed to make sure they were not cheating) with those way back along the pathway. Once we came to the highest point on the walk we had a good panoramic view of the sea although the distant coast at Portland was a bit hazy. We also came across snowdrops, daisies and primroses. The last part of the morning walk involved some steep up and down hills which made us ready for a drink at the pub.
After lunch we set off on a different route back with only one steep climb. Once again we benefitted from sunshine and blue sky. At the end of the day we called at Wendy's for buttered hot cross buns and tea. Thanks, Wendy.

The Pub
The Sailor's Return at East Chaldon. A big improvement on last week. Not only was the pie good (turkey and ham) but the baked potatoes were not bad either. And we managed to finish Trisha's crossword.

Next Week
Meet and Beatrice and Tony's for a Witchampton walk.

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