Wednesday, 14 October 2009

The Wednesday Walk 21st October 2009

The Plan
Meet at Beatrice and Tony's for a walk from Ashmore to Compton Abbas

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Trudy, Trisha, Ros, Beatrice, Sue and David

The Walk
After heavy rain yesterday, it was nice to see some dry weather. The blue sky was there (only just) and we looked forward to a very pleasant walk. Sue and David elected to do only the morning section so one car was left at Compton Abbas airfield. The walk began at Ashmore where the village pond had been drained for dredging. We set off on what we took to be the right route (following a green marker sign) but were turned back by a farmer who told us to use another route. We did, but have doubts about whether we should have insisted on going on our chosen path. Anyway, the walk was very invigorating (that's another way of saying we encountered steep hills up and down). It was nice to be out in open Dorset countryside, unchanged in the past hundred years or more. By the time we got to the airfield we were ready for lunch. After the meal, David and Sue departed and the three diehard walkers continued for the longer section.
For the afternoon walk, Trudy takes up the story: The field of poppies was wonderful (see photos). All told, we must have done four miles or more and came across workmen cutting trees. It was a bit dodgy picking our way through the debris but one of the loggers was very helpful in making a pathway. Then we thought we would do the short, sharp way back but it turned out to be much longer than anticipated as we could not find the turning off for the short cut. Anyway, we made it but Beatrice was suffering a bit by the end of the walk. The day ended back at Beatrice and Tony's where tea was complemented by Sue's home made sponge.
The Pub
Not a pub. We ate at the Compton Abbas airfield cafe. As usual, the selection was good, inexpensive and we had the benefit of a nice view over the airfield. Unfortunately there was nothing flying today. The pie was good.

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