Wednesday 19 June 2013

The Wednesday Walk 19th June 2013

The Plan
Ringstead Bay to Osmington Mills

The Leader
Democracy, with a nudge from Trudy B

Who Turned Up
Trudy B, Trudy H, Trisha, Beatrice and Tony H, Diane and Tony R, David

The Walk
This one was postponed from last week because of the weather. Today we had the right temperature – mid-twenties – and we had the benefit of some high cloud to shield us from the sun’s rays. But we had no wind. That made the air hot and humid. However, we parked the cars on the hill overlooking Ringstead Bay and we set off down the rural path towards the shore, with a brief stop at the little wooden church. By now we had become aware that the weather conditions were going to work against us, but we pressed on bravely to Osmington Mills. A cold beer beckoned!
After lunch we headed back towards Ringstead. Beatrice and Trisha opted to wait to be collected at the café, which was probably a wise decision. The remaining six struggled up the hill to where the cars were parked. We noticed a paraglider on the hillside who seemed unable to get airborne with the lack of wind. As the hill got steeper so the hot, humid atmosphere became more of a problem. No one collapsed in the process but more than one walker was left feeling exhausted.
We finished off with drinks and cake at Diane and Tony’s house. Being the trooper she is, Diane helped our recovery admirably with cold drinks and ice cream. Many thanks, Diane.

The Pub
The Smuggler’s Inn, Osmington Mills. The pub was not too busy and we sat outside under an awning. The food was good but a bit expensive and Trisha’s meal seemed to get lost somewhere along the line.

Next Week
Meet at Trudy B’s house but watch this space in case the weather turns bad.

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