The Plan
A St
Catherine’s Hill walk
Who Turned Up
Trisha, Trudy B, Trudy H, Tony H, David
The Walk
The snow
has all melted. Aren’t we lucky? We had a snow-free walk last Wednesday and a
snow-free walk today. In between the country had enough snow to cause chaos.
We parked
at our usual spot and walked over the top of the hill. The temperature was
around ten degrees so we weren’t cold. After lunch we took the main path back along
the bottom of the hill and had to make one or two detours to avoid areas of
flooding. This afternoon we were feeling much warmer. Overall, it was a good
walk for the time of the year.
Thanks to
Tony for bringing our airline boarding cards and we all send our thanks to
Beatrice for organising our forthcoming trip. Thanks also to Trudy B for this
week’s photographs.
Next Week
all round