Wednesday, 18 February 2009

The Wednesday Walk 25th February 2009

The Plan
Meet at Wendy's at the usual time of 0945. We will walk to Dewlish and have lunch at the Oaks.

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Ros, Trudy, Sue, Pam (and Archie) and David

The Walk
It was an overcast day, but calm and relatively warm. The two cars were parked about two or three miles from Dewlish and we set out across country. The walk was very pleasant and we arrived in Dewlish - a quaint olde worlde village - shortly before twelve o'clock. After lunch we headed back across the countryside and arrived back at the cars just as a slight drizzle started. Perfect timing. Once again, snowdrops were much in evidence throughout the walk. Snowdrops here, snowdrops there, snowdrops everywhere. At the end of the walk we had tea and cake at Wendy's. Pam's cake had a lighted candle to celebrate her birthday. Happy birthday, Pam!

The Pub
The Oak at Dewlish. This was where Michael used to enjoy a nice faggot. Today, five of the six walkers followed suit and each enjoyed a plate of tasty faggots. Significantly, the five faggot plates were wiped clean, but on the sixth plate the chips remained uneaten.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

The Wednesday Walk 18th February 2009

The Plan
We will meet in Wimborne at 1015 (note the new time). Park in Venator Place, near B and T's house. We will then drive to Witchampton and walk to the Horton Inn.

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Ros, Trudy and David (and Trisha for lunch)

The Walk
I suppose we should call this the snowdrop walk. We met masses of snowdrops all along the walk, morning and afternoon. Look at the top photo and you can see them in the background.
We drove to Witchampton and left the car opposite Ye Olde post office. We then walked cross country to the Horton Inn. The air was calm and a hazy mist covered the distant views making it feel eerie and yet spring-like. Ros, being eagle-eyed, found a car key on the muddy path and, ten minutes later traced the worried owner. We arrived at the Horton Inn only five minutes before Tricia who joined us for a two hour lunch - and we still didn't get the answer to that last cryptic crossword clue!
After lunch, we crossed the main Cranborne road and walked up to Chalbury village. A light drizzle caught up with us just as we got to Chalbury church. Nothing serious, but it put us off the muddier route back, so we took what we imagined to be the easier route. In the event we came to an abrupt halt about two hundred yards from Witchampton village, facing a deep, swampy barrier. With a bit of sidetracking and swamp paddling, we managed to deviate round it.
It was a pleasant walk. Thanks go to Ros and Trudy for the photos.

The Pub
The Horton Inn. We spent two hours over lunch, and not just because David had a very large pie! It was proclaimed to be top rate but, unfortunately, Wendy's prawns-in-a-spud wasn't properly cooked and had to be exchanged.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

The Wednesday Walk 11th February 2009

The Plan
We will meet at The Oaks at 10am. The plan is to walk from Delph Woods to the Lambs Green. And - with sharp memories of the last time we did that walk - we will do our best not to set the pub on fire!

The Leader

Who Turned Up
Wendy, Trudy, Ros and David (Tricia joined us for lunch)

The Walk
The snow has melted and the rain has stopped. If it were not for the flooding, we could almost be back to normal. Anyway, it was a nice sunny, if somewhat chilly, day. Just right for a winter walk.
We met at the Oaks Cafe where we had a cup of coffee. We were visited by a black cat (is that lucky?) who seemed mainly interested in the only male walker. Must be significant! We then drove to Delph Woods.
We left our cars at the far end car park and walked through the woods to the old railway track. Then we headed off through the trees towards Lambs Green. At times the going was a bit spongy underfoot, but we met only one water barrier so deep and wide that we couldn't get past. It meant a short detour, but nothing too onerous. After lunch we headed back along the more direct route to the Willett Arms. Tricia came a little way with us. From the road, we had a spectacular view of the River Stour in flood near Wimborne.
We guessed the walk ran to around six miles in total which was just enough to get our blood circulating again. A pleasant day after last week's appalling weather.

The Pub
The Lamb's Green, Corfe Mullen.
The food was good and the service was very prompt. And... can you believe it... no one tried to burn the place down!
Tricia arrived at around the same time as the walkers. She passed on some good news about Marion's health. We wish you well, Marion! We know that you keep up to date with our adventures on the blog.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Wednesday 4th February

There was no walk this week because of the weather. We have had snow since the weekend and the roads and footpaths are still slippery. More snow is forecast before we see the end of it.